
Our curriculum is focused on the following areas of development:

A Curriculum is a set of experiences and events that are planned to foster a child’s learning. Our curriculum explores -

The Environment:          
The environment is a major part of our curriculum. A young child must get daily experience with learning aids in a structured environment which have specific usage, derived from the curriculum. The environment in our curriculum facilitates self-learning in every child. 

Circle Sorter 

Length Staris 

Alphabet Box 

Number Cards 

What Differentiates us?

* Child centric approach rather than teacher-centric

* Strong Montessori-based philosophy combined with best practices of early childhood methodology.

* Goes way beyond song & dance routines, nursery rhymes, and simple playing with toys Materials and tools for learning designed for the curriculum

* A methodology that instill a sense of purpose & interest to work hard in the child Revolutionary assessment technique

* A structured learning program for the overall development of the child

Quality Early Education is a necessity not a luxury